Sponsored Riders
Sarah Gadd - www.sarahgadd.com
Jodi Randall - www.jodirandall.co.uk
Linked Organisations
Institute of Registered Veterinary and Animal Physiotherapists - www.irvap.org.uk
Register of Animal Musculoskeletal Practitioners - www.rampregister.org
Recommended Reading
Jochen Schleese Saddlery - www.schleese.com
Anything authored by Sharon May Davis (sadly no website)
Lotte Simons Photograpy - www.lottesimons.com
Swalecliffe and District Dog Training Society - www.dogsatswalecliffe.org.uk
Pet Lodge Hydrotherapy Centre and Boarding Kennels - www.petlodge.co.uk
My friend Lesley offers Reiki and will soon offer a number of treatment options for people and animals - www.positive-healing.org.uk
They also run www.redlioncanines.co.uk, and offer a variety of training classes and home boarding.