Canine Physiotherapy
Traditional land-based therapy and hydrotherapy complement each other very well. |
Physiotherapy is not only for working and competition dogs, companion animals can benefit too, especially as they age. During rehabilitation from an injury, or post-surgery, are common occasions where physical therapy might be suggested for your dog. Sometimes the signs that physiotherapy might be advantageous to your dog can be more subtle. Changes in behaviour, such as reluctance to go on their usual walks, or play, can be a sign that your dog is experiencing some discomfort. Joint stiffness is common in older dogs, and this can also cause compensatory issues which need addressing.
What happens during a session? |
An appointment begins with a discussion of the current issue that you wish to address, previous medical history of your dog, and the outcomes you would like from the session. You may be asked to show your dog at walk, trot and gallop, and demonstrate some simple exercises, such as ‘stand to sit’ and ‘stand to lie’. The dog’s active and passive range of motion will be assessed, and neurological/proprioceptive deficits will be checked for. They will then be physically assessed for any muscle spasm, soreness, asymmetry etc. Based upon these findings, we will devise a treatment programme. This may involve both manual and electro-therapy techniques, and you may be given a home exercise programme too.
Canine assessments are usually carried out at your home/kennels. Please ensure that there is a quiet, calm area where the session can take place, and a soft surface available for the dog to lie on. Consent must be given from your vet prior to treatment,usually this only requires an email or phone call. **Please note - sometimes it may not be possible to carry out a treatment as described above, perhaps if your dog is a rescue and very wary of strangers, for example. This is not a problem, it is very important to me that your dog is comfortable and confident during our sessions. Any treatment plan will be adjusted according to your dogs needs, whatever they may be! |